Rebecca Lang



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Rebecca is developing a broad civil litigation practice with a particular focus on health law and public law.

She has experience representing clients in administrative and public law, competition law, mental health law and healthcare litigation. She has courtroom experience at the Ontario Superior Court or Justice, Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal, including representing clients at trials, motions, and appeals.

Prior to joining BLG, Rebecca served as a law clerk to the Honourable Justice Sheilah Martin at the Supreme Court of Canada and to Justice Richard Boivin at the Federal Court of Appeal.

Proud to provide services in English and French, Rebecca completed the Certification in Common Law in French during law school. She currently sits on the Ontario Bar Association's Official Languages Committee, which promotes equal access to justice in French. Prior to practicing law, Rebecca obtained a Master of Science in Population and Public Health and a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry.

Beyond Our Walls

Professional Invovlement

  • Member, The Advocates' Society
  • Member, Association des juristes d'expression française de l'Ontario (AJEFO)
  • Member, Women's Legal Education Action Fund (LEAF)

Bar Admission & Education

  • Ontario, 2022
  • JD, Université de Calgary, 2021
  • MSc, Community Health Sciences, specializing in Population and Public Health, Université de Calgary, 2018
  • BSc (Honours), Biochemistry, Université Queen’s, 2015