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Managing Transitions: A Guidance Document

Transitioning patients from hospitals to home, community, and long-term care remains a key challenge for hospitals across Ontario. The Ontario Hospital Association and BLG are pleased to announce the release of “Managing Transitions” (Second edition) to help hospitals and health care providers manage this process.

The second edition of Managing Transitions — A Guidance Document was released this month. Katharine Byrick continues to be the principal author of this OHA resource. This edition has been updated to include some of the recent legislative changes that have impacted health care in Ontario, including the Patients First Act, 2016, as well as amendments to the Local Health System Integration Act and the Home Care and Community Services Act.

Managing Transitions: A Guidance Document focuses on:

  • the legislative framework for discharge planning;
  • the different roles and responsibility of those involved; and
  • information to assist with effectively managing transitions in care.

Thank you to all of the contributors to both editions of Managing Transitions — we hope that it continues to be a valuable resource.

Download the Guide

Related Contacts & Expertise

  • Katharine Byrick

    Katharine Byrick



    Katharine Byrick


    • Différends en matière de soins de santé
    • Soins aux patients
    • Réglementation en matière de santé
    • Cybersécurité, respect de la vie privée et protection des renseignements personnels
    • Renseignements personnels sur la santé et protection de la vie privée

    • Voir la biographie
    Voir la biographie